Sunday 26 April 2015

Exposure Day ( Part 32 ) Banners

It's a funny feeling when you go to bed on Bath Day. You feel like a snake that has shed it's skin and grown itself a new one. I like to cover myself completely in my blanket and pretend that I'm still under the water. Because you do still feel like you are still there.

I had been holding Table's hand for so long I could still feel it in my own hand. Poor Table. I dread the day they have to open my legs but I have a couple of years to go. I am still only a childer. You have to be a middler for them to start doing all that. I am quite happy being a childer. I'd be happy to stop this way forever, whatever forever is. There is nothing after being a middler. You disappear. Just like the dead disappear.

Bag disappeared but I don't know what has happened to her. She is neither dead or a middler yet.  I can't get Exposure Day out of my head. Did it happen for the first time yesterday or have we always had one and will we get another next week? I curled myself up in a ball and thought about the banners with our names on. I thought about how many banners have my name on and how many people were making one right now with Dunstt written on it.

Dunstt is a funny little name but I guess we all have funny little names. Except Noah. His is a proper name and now he is gone and taken his name with him. I dread falling asleep again because it will be just me and the boat and the animals and they don't talk, they just make stupid noises. But at least they don't have to count their stupid little noises like we do.

(C) Ally Atherton

First Draft complete. Total Word Count 13083

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