Friday 17 April 2015

Untitled ( Part 21 ) Double Lucky Bitch.

'Sometimes I can be in five places at once.'

I wanted to swap my gift for Rosh's. What was the point in seeing reapers anyway? It didn't have any practical purpose. It wasn't as if I could have a quiet word in their ear and talk them out of doing what they are about to do. My gift was pointless. As pointless as a teacup with a hole in the bottom.

We were just walking around aimlessly. We all looked the same. It was as if somebody had come along and transplanted the same morose face on the front of our heads. Some of us were bent forward and some of us were as rigid as table legs. One or two were stood in the middle of the colourdoors like statues, just taking up space as if they were waiting for somebody to come along and put them somewhere.

And we couldn't find anything. It was as if somebody had painted out all the doors. We couldn't find the Helmet Sphere or the Birthing Sphere or the Watch Sphere or the Red Room. Nothing. It was one big long twisty colourdor without an end.

' I have three extra words a day.' said Ink.

Her words forced us all to stop at the same time.

'Everyday I can have three extra words to use whenever I want. But I have to use them all for myself.'

So no mindspeak then?

'Lucky bitch,' said Bag. I couldn't have put it better myself. I can't explain how important words are to us. We have so few to play about with that we spend most of our days thinking about how we will use them. So to have three extra words would be incredible. Much more incredible than seeing reapers or being able to stay underwater for hours on end. The more I thought about my gifts were bloody pathetic.

'I usually save them for moonfest and they help me to get to sleep. But the great thing is that I don't have to use all three in one day. I can save them up over a few days so that I can practically have a conversation in my capsule.'

Double lucky bitch

Listening to her revelation helped us to take our minds off the fact that we were lost. And we were lost. Helplessly lost. I don't think we could have found our way back to our capsules even if we spend all day trying.

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