Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Untitled (Part 10) Temporary Blocks

When I woke up it was Moon Day and somebody had taken all the walls down and replaced them with temporary blocks. They do that occasionally and by the time you get back again everything is back where it should be.

I don't know why they do it and I wished they would at least put thing back a little differently so we can all have a change. Nothing ever changes and that's why you have to make the most of the small things, like holding hands and words and yolk. For some reason I find it easier to tick when the walls are down and I managed to manifest everything that I wanted. Layla Juice and puff berries and slat bread. I was pretty stuffed and it was a nice change to walk along the colourdoors full to bursting.

Moon Day's are my favourite days because you can pretty much do what you want as long as you practice your ticking. And you even get twelve words as long as you don't talk while you are ticking or tick while you are eating. I usually spend the day visiting Ink and Roth and both of them come to mine later on in the day. But today we had no capsules to go to so we had to go elsewhere until they put everything back where it should be.

Even some of the colourdoors had been taken down so we spent most of sunfest trying to get from one place to another without crossing into any of the forbidden zones. And that's the last thing we wanted to do because we didn't want to lose any of our words when we had twelve to ourselves and we wanted to use them.

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