Sunday 26 April 2015

Exposure Day ( Part 31 ) Underwater

'Remember yesterday?'

I used my last two words on Table. We always stick together on Bath Day. It's the funny thing about our world. We always like to stick to our routines and usually that means that we always sit next to the same person whether it is Bath Day or Double Helmet or Womb Day. Table wears green and has brown skin. The brown skins always stay together but on Bath Day she always sticks to me.

I bobbed my head under the water while I waited for her reply. I didn't know how many words she had left because she varies it every Bath Day and she doesn't always use any on me.

' Booth Day,' she replied.

Her words swam under the water to reach me. Words are good swimmers and they can hold their breath for as long as they want. Yesterday wasn't Booth Day. I know that but she doesn't. It seems I really am the only girl that remembers it.

'I had to open my legs. It was horrible.'

I was glad that I didn't have any words left because I wouldn't know what to say. But I was touched that she'd saved all her words for me. So I grabbed her hand and didn't let go.

It is safe underwater. Nobody can see you. There are no stammers underwater, at least I don't think so. It's nice to escape their eyes and that's why I don't mind Bath Day at all. And it is where my gift comes in very handy. I decided to spend most of the day underwater. Just me and Table's hand. Occasionally she joined me underwater but she isn't very good at it. The water goes up her nose and she always ends up coughing and spluttering. I couldn't stop thinking of Noah and how me and the animals would cope now that he was gone. I tried to force out another dream but I was dreamless and I had to content myself with thinking about him. Noah and the animals and our ill-mannered dove.

I wonder where the dove has gone to. Perhaps it's found another boat sailing on some other sea in somebody else's dream and not mine.

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